About Us
With Love Dija is a brand that encourages you to do everything with love. All products are made in house, by humans. We believe vibes are transferable so we only create and package up your love when our vibes are good. Community is important to us, as such a portion of our proceeds benefit Khelin's Promise, a non profit founded by our owner.
REuse REcycle REpurpose RElove
Finished the glass vessel your product came in? Save it and bring it back to us for a discount off of your next purchase, but only if they aren’t broken.. Don’t live locally? We will send you a prepaid shipping label once you’ve collected a few to get a discount off of your next purchase.
Blackbone has one MAJOR initiative: to create a safe space for black women entrepreneurs to build wealth, network with likeminded business owners, and scale their businesses.
They do this through various programs/initiatives meant to equip black women entreprenuers with the tools to do just that. One of its biggest initiatives is The BlackBone Store located at Sycamore and Oak in SE.
Stop by and support the small businesses featured in THE BLACKBONE PROJECT